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Hadiza Bawa-Garba v The General Medical Council

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13 August 2018

The Court of Appeal judgment can be found here

For the explanatory note click here.

The order is available here, for the media statement issued by the Court of Appeal click here.


The Court of Appeal has:


• Quashed the decision of the Divisional Court to erase Dr Bawa-Garba’s name from the Medical Register, and  


• Decided that the Medical Practitioners Tribunal was entitled to take account of systematic failures at the hospital, and  failures by other staff who worked there, when deciding what action to take in relation to Dr Bawa-Garba.

• The Tribunal’s decision to suspend Dr Bawa-Garba for one year will be restored.   


• The General Medical Council has confirmed that it will not seek permission to appeal to the Supreme Court.

The documents relating to the appeal can be found here:

Dr Bawa Garba’s skeleton argument 

​The GMC skeleton argument

​The BMA submissions

​The PSA submissions

The BAPIO submissions


The ITV news coverage of the hearing is here. 

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